Friday, July 27, 2007

My Noisemaker Articles

My Aunt Marjorie once commented to me that it was a shame I wasn't writing more creative pieces anymore, as non-fiction pays more than fiction. However, I use a heck of a lot of creativity to make topic like antique chime clocks interesting. And, you never know, you might learn something. Like I need to come up with better titles, for example.

What You Need To Know About Antique Chime Clocks
A Business Entrance Door Alert Chime Is Cheap And Cheerful (Sorry about the title, but I had to fit "business entrance door alert chime" in it somehow).
And Now, The Gond Wind Chime Show (Again, sorry about the title. the keyphrase I had to use was "gong wind chime").
Basic Instructions For Bamboo Wind Chimes
So, How Large Does A Very Large Wind Chime Have To Be? (As God is my witness, the phrase I had to use at least 10 times was "very large wind chime".)
The History of the Wind Chime Sounds Good
The Rhythm and the Rhyme of Wind Chime Design

You Can Understand A Door Chime Wiring Diagram
The Ultimate Lawn Ornament: Solar Lighted Ball Wind Chime>
Visitor Chime: A High tech Doorbell

From American Chronicle where I am suddenly "Ajith Guthpa":
Aren't All Music Boxes Japanese Music Boxes? (Short answer: No.)
The Classic Charm of Reuge Music Boxes

From All High Tech:
What the Heck are Schmind Music Boxes?
Regina Music Boxes: The Sound of Old America
Beauty for the Eye and Ear: Sorrento Music Boxes
What You Need to Know about Enesco Music Boxes

From Health where I am now "Danush Seram":
What the Heck are Animated Music Boxes?
What You Need to Know about Personalized Music Boxes
Selling Collectable Music Boxes Over the Internet
Ultimate Heirloom: Custom Music Boxes

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