Friday, July 27, 2007

My Bodybuilding Articles

I have nothing against body builders or bodybuilders, even though they can't seem to get a common spelling together. I will mention that these were the hardest articles I've ever written (knock on wood). Not only did I have to learn the bodybuilding jargon, I had to explain it to the rest of the world. Quite frankly, if you want to look buff, just follow Peter Gabriel's example and have a muscle suit made. It's a lot cuddlier than real muscles, anyway.

From Best Body Building Guides:
Are You Ready For Advanced Body Building Techniques? (I'll tell you right now -- NO).
Mike Ashley: Bodybuilding Legend (It did not help me any to discover there are TWO Mike Ashleys in professional bodybuilding!)
Shaking Up Bodybuilding Receipies
The Maturity of Javorek Bodybuilding
Natural Bodybuilding Routines: In For the Long Haul

Biotest Laboratories Help You Build A Better Body
Can Anyone Develop An Allergic Reaction To a PowerBar?
Get the Muscle Without Complications With BioTest Hemoglobin (doo dah, doo dah...)

Bodybuilding Fuel: Cell Tech
Prolab Creatine Reviews Are In On Line
PowerBar Team Elite Helps Athletes Be Their Best
Give Yourself An Optimum Nutrition Questionnaire

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