Tuesday, September 4, 2007

My Arty-Farty Critical Articles

Here, Peter looks how I feel about art, music, movie or literary critics. However, every now and then I get paid to produce such articles. These are the times I'm glad my name isn't on the by-line. Some people write porn, I write criticsm. But I'm an English major, so I'm actually qualified to dash hopes and dreams.

From Smart-Advices:
"I Love Your Band! Which One Is Luna Halo?" (This is about a band, but it's on a video games site. Oookkaaayyyy...)

From guide-to-perfume.com:
Keep On Dancing With Jitterbug Perfume (This is about a book, and it's on a perfume site).

From xego.com:
Water Ponds: Not Necessarily A Redundancy (Where I dissect a term being used more and more "water ponds").

From DigitalCenterOne.org
Black and White Best for Portrait Photography (Where I argue the pros and cons of Annie Liebovitz' use of color).

From horses.1to1guide.com:
Horse Riding Camps In Equine Literature (Did I ever mention I was an English major?)

From www.menopausesymptomsite.com:
Everybody Sing Now About Menopause Out Loud!

From www.petcarewatch.info/:
Read Dog Training Books With A Grain of Salt (and a strong stomach...)

From Dealing With Headaches:
Criticism Headaches

From Helium:
Book Reviews: Eragon, By Christopher Paolini (Where I compare it to The Black Stallion)
Terry Pratchett and His Books
Book Reviews: Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley (In short, it sucked.)
Book Review: Jungle Pilot
The Controversy Surrounding The Catcher in the Rye by JD Salinger
Book reviews: The Hunt for Red October
Book Club Reviews: The Science Fiction Book Club (The horror! The horror!)
An Overview of the Poetry of William Blake

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