Friday, November 30, 2007

My Attention Deficit Disorder Articles

The public has an incredibly short attention span. Peter sort of gaged his career around being able to hold someone's attention. This is one of his earlier attempts when he fronted Genesis. Although I am not sure why the photographer happened to choose that angle.

You Can Get Attention Deficit Disorder Tests Online (Beat the Christmas rush).
Honk If You Have CAARS: Connors Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Scale
Adults With ADD Can Turn To The Attention Deficit Disorder Association (I didn't have much choice in the title, sorry).
Homework Help For Attention Deficit Disorder Adolescents
How Do You Know If You Have Attention Deficit Disorder?

My Foreclosure Articles

The best advice I (and I guess Peter) can give about foreclosure is to come out of the closet and face up to it. Believe it or not, there are much worse things in life. And for those of who profit on other people's misries through prowling foreclosure notices, go back into the closet. Any happy Real Estate articles of mine now have their own category.

Tips For Buying Tax Forclosure Properties (I shudder at the memory...)
Shopping Foreclosure Lists Can Give You Bargains
Stay Safe When Seeking To Stop Foreclosure Proceedings
What The Heck Are Pre-Forclosure Sales?
Stopping Foreclosure Process Can Be Done

From Step Before
Magic Words for Real Estate Investors: HUD Foreclsure
Real Estate Foreclosure Investing: Making the Best of a Bad Situation (Trust in Allah, but tie up your camel.)

From Go Articles where I am ghosting for a "Jeff Glasser":
Bidding On A HUD Foreclosure Home

Monday, November 26, 2007

My WiFi Articles

The thought of wifi happening in our lifetimes blows me away, too. Thankfully in this photo, Peter is tethered.

What You Need To Know About WiFi Radio (Hey -- it rhymes!)
Why You Need A Wireless Internet Card
Checklist For Choosing Your Wireless Internet Service Provider
Future Looks Bright For The Wireless Internet
The Lay of the LAN: About Wireless Networking (My apologies to the unklnown author of the pun used inthe title)

WiFi Finders Get You Connected Faster
Installing Verizon Witreless Internet Yourself
Get Experienced Help With Sprint Wireless Internet
Why WiFi Adapters Give Good Game
The Advantages Of Alltel Wireless Internet
When Using WiFi, Don't Smell Good to a Sniffer
The World Wants To Know: How Does Wireles Internet Work?
Why Big Cities Are Having Problems With Public Broadband Wireless Internet
WiFi Hacking Proves Online Shopping Is Safer Than Real Shopping
The Pros And Cons Of High Speed Wireless Internet Access
What the Heck Are Windows Vista Wireless Routers?
How to Install Wireless Routers in the Real World
Comparison of High Speed and Wireless Routers: A Fine Line
Are There Such Things As Wireless Routers for Verizon DSL?
Understanding Routers: Take a Deep Breath, then Read

My Modern American Society Articles

Pretty much says it all...except for the articles below, that is.

(And no, I'm not in the Mickey Mouse suit or Peter Gabriel's suit...)

From Helium:
Is There Such A Thing As A "True" American? (Short answer: No)
Why Americans Fear Immagrants
Minimum Wage -- Is It Fair?
Nationalism In America
Should Criminals Convicted of Non-Violent Crimes Face Jail Terms? (Short answer: No)
Are Immigration And The Loss Of American Jobs Connected? (Short answer: No.)
Should Blacks Be Given Restitution?
Should US Immagration Laws Be Reformed? (Hell, yes.)
Should the US Boycott the 2008 Bejing Olympics?
My Favorite American Food: Boxed Macaroni And Cheese (Now you know)
If I Were President of the US...(Heads would roll.)
The History of Nuclear Energy in America

From Where We Relax:
I'm Bothering To Vote Today

My Traditional Chinese Medicine Articles

Now, children, take your Traditional Chinese Medicine or you'll wind up looking like this.

(Sorry, couldn't resist! :-) Off to go take my medicine.)

From Infinate Advice:
Great Doctors in the History of Chinese Medicine (He's dead, Jim!)
Don't Be Scared of Chinese Herbal Medicines FOr Your Children
The Long History of Traditional Chinese Medicine
Even Coca-Cola Is Looking Into Chinese Herbal Medicines
Take These Herbal Hemorrhoids Medicines And Call Me In The Morning (He's DEFINATELY dead, Jim!)
What's Old Is New Again: Alternative Herbal Medicines
Repulse the Invaders With Chinese Medicine For Sinus Infections
What You Need To Know About Traditional Chinese Medicine Powders
What's Old Is New Again: Alternative Herbal Medicines
Treating Your Dog With Chinese Herbal Alternative Medicines

From The World Health Guide where I'm listed as "Luvi":
Ancient Medicine Helps Modern Patients

Sunday, November 25, 2007

My Crystal Healing Articles

I'd love to know the backstory behind this photo of Peter feeling up a hunk of very lucky quartz crystal. We all like bright, shiny objects. The seem to calm us and make us more tranquil. This is why crystal healing can be effective in conjunction (but NOT in place of) conventional medicine.

From Helium:
Crystal Healing: Does It Work?

From HubPages:
Practical Crystal Healing
Making Crystal Elixiers
Tryig To Find Reliable Information On Crystal Healing

From eHow:
How to Use Crystal Healing

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

My Stop Smoking Articles

Well, Peter just can't help it. He's always smoking, as this picture proves. (Rimshot).

From Discount Trade Cigarettes
I include the FAQ to this online cigarette site I wrote for becuase they never bothered to change my slightly sarcastic remarks on this page. No, I don't smoke, but $20 is $20, isn't it?

From The World Health Guide where I am listed as "Luvi":
How To Stop Smoking For Good This Time
Quit Smoking Advice From My Mom (True stuff!)
UK Hypnotherapy To Stop Smoking Saves Lives
Do Stop Smoking Hypnosis CDs Really Work?
What You Need To Know About Stop Smoking Drugs (You know, I don;t think that was the best title I could've come up with...)

From linkroll:
How To Stop Smoking For Good
Cold Turkey: An Easy Way To Stop Smoking
Does Stop Smoking Medication Work? No, it's always on the dole.
You Can Quit Smoking With Hypnotherapy
You Can't Stop Smoking Without Cravings

My Memory Articles

And for those of you who recognised this still from Peter's "I Don't Remember" video, well done!

When I remember Peter or the Peter that visits me in my dreams, he tends to look like this.

What You Need To Know About Memory Testers
Practical Memory Techniques For Real Life Situations
The Pros And Cons Of A Photographic Memory (Contains autobiographical stuff...I think...)

My Baby Articles

All of my articles are my "babies", in a way. Thankfully, I've never had any of the other kind! Here is a pic or Peter and his youngest child, a son named Issac.

What The Heck Are Baby Memory Books? (Contains autobiographical stuff.)
Baby Bottle Gift Sets: Perfect For Animal Shelters (No speciesism here!)

From Helium:
Are Children a Blessing From God?
The Benefits of Adoption

Foster Baby Gifts Appreciated By Foster Parents
Why Not Get An Unusual Baby Gift? (Don't answer that!)
Include Books In Baby Toys Gift Baskets
Blankets: The Best Homemade Baby Shower Gift Ever (Contains autobiographical info about me & my Banky)

What You Need To Know About Organic Baby Clothes
The Advantages of Organic Baby Bedding

From Happy Parenting Now:
Hiring a Babysitter/Nanny Screening Service

My Computer Security Articles

At the moment, I don't have a clever little paragraph to introduce this list. Writing about computer security will do that to you. This is a photo of Peter taken in his "Shed of Dreams", available for $250,000 (US) but Peter is unfortunately not included. Also, I don't know whether any free computer security software is included, either. But I think the lava lamp is.

Click a few words to the right for My Identity Theft Articles.

You Can Have Too Much Virus Removal Software
You And Your Data Are Safe With Anti Spyware Downloads
Boot Virus Removal: It Exists
What You Need To Know About MSN Messenger Virus Removal
Stay Super Safe With SUPER Anti Spyware

Practical Mac Laptop Saftey

From Our Views where I am listed as "Publisher":
You Can Have Too Much Virus Removal Software

From Helium:
Why Relying On Free Antivirus Software is a Bad Idea
(Contains autobiographical material)
Are Mackintosh Computers Safe From Online Threats
How to Detect PayPal and eBay Scams

From Windows Vista Repair Blog:
Why You Need Vista Backup Prograom Files
The Advantages of Computer Backup Software
Got to Back Up My PC: Now More Than Ever

From SearchYour Love Online Dating:
Don't Get Hooked By A Phishing Email

Friday, November 2, 2007

My Homeless Articles

Well, these articles have a home, but I didn't for most of the five and a half years I lived in England. My Mom wants me to write all of those experiences down, but I can't face that just yet.

Oddly enough, although living within a few miles of Peter's studio in Wiltshire, I never went to visit him. He did walk by me a couple of times when I was in Bath and biked by me in Bathwick. However, I felt so ashamed of myself for being homeless that I hid from him. When you feel ashamed of yourself, the last person you want to notice you is your hero.

All of these aricles are based on my experiences as a homeless person in England.

Tent Camping Among The Homeless
Easy Camping Recipes From A Former Homeless Person

Wilderness Survival Kits Of A Former Homeless Person

From Savvy Cafe:
Wilderness Living Happens
Wilderness Survival Tips From a Former Homeless Person

From where I am listed as "Gordon":
The Plastic Roofing In My English Misadventure
Roofing Products When Building Your Bender

From Home Tips Guide:
Pest Control Pellet Guns Recommended To Control Addicts

Drug Addiction Counseling Essential For Homeless

From HubPages:
The Medicinal Properties of Clove Oil Or, aromatherapy among Britian's homeless.

From Helium:
Why We Should Treat The Homeless With Compassion

From eHow:
How to Build a Bender Home
About the Homeless Population

From Training Collar Blog:
Other Uses for Spiked Leather Dog Collars

My Exploring Human Nature Articles

Yes, I wrote some of these articles just as an excuse to stick this picture of Peter from his "I Don't Remember" video on this blog. You have guessed correctly, my child. Go have a cookie.

From Helium:
Are People Inhernetly Good? (Are you kidding me?)
The seed of the serpent: Are other-dimensional beings in control of our world leaders? (Now that's a title I wish I'd thought up!)
Do We Need Humor On A Daily Basis?
How To Tell If Someone Hates You(When I saw this topic was up for grabs, I couldn't resist grabbing!)

From Where We Relax:
Lead A Less Stressful Life By Learning How To Lie
Giggle Fits
The Guilt of Being Human (Which mentions Peter Gabriel).