Tuesday, September 25, 2007

My Migraine Articles

With migraines, you often see hallucinations and hear them, too. But I think Peter just did a little too much partying around New Year's, probably with Bono, Steve Martin and the Italian Olympic snowboarding team. 

As I am a migraineur (a fancy word meaning "person who suffers from migraines") I have, sadly, a lot of experience dealing with migraines.  Here is a small sampling of the hundreds of articles I've written about migraines.

From eHow:
How to Manage Caffeine-Withdrawal Migraine
How Does Imitrex Work on Migraine Headaches?
Proplanolol For the Treatment of Migraines
Migraine Myths
Menopause and Migraines
Symptoms of Period Migraines
Tension Vs. Sinus Vs. Migraine Headache

From Yahoo! Voices:
What Is Causing My Migraine?
How Doctors Diagnose Migraines
Migraines: Common Types, Symptoms and Treatments

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